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added comment in3 Weeks to Better Gesture Drawing
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Here's my best for Week Three.
I will admit I was quite intimidated by the prospect of this week's assignment. I haven't gone over a in depth study of hands or feet in quite a long while. However I was presently surprised by how relaxing these were to do compared to the body gestures or studies I've done before in the past. Perhaps because I didn't have preconceived notion of my skills regarding them? Regardless, I enjoyed doing these.
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Here's my Week 2 gestures for Static poses.
This was definitely a challenge. Even though they were static, some of the ways the body contorted in perspective threw me off a few times while drawing. However, I got better when I redrew the poses in different drawing sessions. Biggest thing I am glad about is these helped me solidify my knowledge of anatomy even more.
Edit: Almost forgot to add the 12th one.
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Week 1. Best of what I did for the 1 min and 5 min sketches during the week.
Hi! Here's some of the gestures I did for the lesson. These are the better ones I drew in the batch.