Activity Feed
Kathryn Fauver
Week 1. Best of what I did for the 1 min and 5 min sketches during the week.
wow, the 5minutes one is amazing, you manage to put that many details in such cramped time. salute!
Week 1 I cannot do the one minute ones to save my life, haha! The shading was quickly thrown on after completion.
oh wow, you manage to finish the drawing, plus the face, and even add up shadings in 5min? amazing mate
Eden Fries
My first attempt doing the 12 drawings and from the first ones I did compared to now I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. I’ll probably redo this one again and hopefully I can see even more progress. I’m only learning from the videos that are freely available to us in the how to draw gesture and the other resources given, but I’d like to think I’m doing decent enough, cross my fingers.
oh wow, this is nice!
Thank you for the opportunity, been wanting to learn gesture drawings week 1 Poses
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