Peter Tinkler
Peter Tinkler
Born in Ireland, but live and work in Birmingham, UK. The big challenge for me is drawing the human figure with greater accuracy and realism.
Peter Tinkler
Here are my fist studies, which are charcoal on newsprint. I'm really loving these hand exercises, they're a lot of fun. The references are based on my own hand (one from a photo, and one from real life).
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Peter Tinkler
I try and do gesture studies as often as I can, as I'm still working my way through the Anatomy course, and don't want to stiffen up. These are mostly gesture, with a sprinkling of some structure. I didn't time these officially, but I'd be surprised if any of them were more than 5 minutes.
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Peter Tinkler
I really enjoyed having a play with these. They are in charcoal, pen & ink, graphite, and Conte, respectively. It makes it so much easier when you have boxes, triangles and cylinders to use as your foundation layer.
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Peter Tinkler
Last of these hand studies, Conte on newsprint.
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Peter Tinkler
I found this one the trickiest so far, especially the thumb.
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Peter Tinkler
Hand study part 2. I think I found this one a little easier than the first, for some reason. Probably because of the position of the thumb.
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Peter Tinkler
The first study of this particular hand exercise. Tricky, but fun to try and make it up. I used my own hand as a guide as best I could for this, and then enjoyed Stan's take on it.
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Peter Tinkler
And the last of these hand studies, including a page of the last three. All Conte on newsprint.
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Peter Tinkler
My latest hand study, Conte on newsprint.
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Peter Tinkler
Arguably the trickiest one so far. For me anyway. Conte on newsprint.
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Peter Tinkler
Hand study part 3, which is Conte on newsprint, and a page of the studies so far.
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Peter Tinkler
This is my second hand study, which is Conte on newsprint. Another tricky, but enjoyable drawing.
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Peter Tinkler
The first of my hand studies. I think I like drawing hands, despite how difficult they are.
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Peter Tinkler
I did another forearm study, but this time from one of my own references. I thiiiinnnk I've put the muscles in the right place (reference included), but if anyone spots any mistakes, please do let me know. Thanks guys.
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Peter Tinkler
This was tricky (which is an understatement). I had to refer back to the notes a few times, but that's all part of the process. I definitely want/need to do a couple more forearm studies...
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Peter Tinkler
And finally my ridge muscle studies, which seem very straight forward after coming from all the complexity of the flexors and extensors.
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Peter Tinkler
And this is my flexor muscle version of this exercise. Really recommend this approach, it has helped to lock it in better...still not 100% locked-in, but closer.
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Peter Tinkler
This isn't an official assignment, but I found doing this exercise really helpful. I feel a lot more confident with the extensor muscles now...
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Peter Tinkler
I think this could possibly be my least favourite of these forearm studies, but onwards and upwards as they say....again, I definitely need to do more of these before I can justify moving on.
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Peter Tinkler
Man, just when I think I've got it. This pose caught me out in a couple of places, so I had to watch the video a few times. I think I'm going to have to do more studies than the supplied references to make this really sink in.
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