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These are my level 1 drawings. I had fun drawing them and using only CSI lines which definitely helped me in making every single line intentional and clean!
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Wow, I love the way you did the shoes!
So, this one frustrated me quite a bit. For the first two I just couldn't stop adding unnecessary details. I also couldn't bring myself to draw with my shoulder or my elbow. I almost gave up, but then I decided to draw on bigger paper instead of A4. I tried to be looser with my lines and simplify more, but I'm not sure if you can tell. I'm still rather happy with the last ones.
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Here are my attempts. For some reason I couldn't get a good photo of the second one, sorry. I also got frustrated while drawing. I don't like the shapes of the shadows on the pear and with the guy I had trouble making the shadows different enough values so I kind of rushed it at the end. :/
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