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added comment inStructure Basics – Making Things Look 3D
Asked for help
Serena Marenco
Hi othmane, using one box to establish perspective is a good idea but I suggest you use two different ones for shoulders and pelvis; this will make it much easier for you to move your figure.
Imagine you have one of those articulated puppets.
In the horse's snout you don't really need to use a circle for the nose, keep it simple with a wedge.
The head of the rhino on the other hand is narrower as you get towards the mouth, let's say a wedge will do here too.
The legs, in both cases, should be more sinuous.
In the horse I can see that you started with a simple curved line, which is correct.
When you draw the structure you have to look for ways to maintain this curve: it may be suggested by a bone sticking out under the skin or by the curve of a muscle.
If you'd like to try a different exercise (I know that's not what this exercise specifically requires, but I'm a bit of an animal nerd and I like to teach people how to draw them. And then you'll apply the same reasoning to the human figure, when the time comes) Take some photos and try, maybe with a sheet of paper, if you can't do it on a deno program, to draw these lines on them, to see which landmarks outline them.

I think it’s really good but you should manipulate the shapes more.
Raymond Xu
Asked for help
Back again with gesture. It's really exciting! Still confused on how to exaggerate the pose. I hope that I can get a feedback.
Hi, your lines are little messy i would suggest working on your line quality , if you're trying to rush because the time is just not enough i suggest adding more time as long as you keep focusing the motion not the coutures.
@othmane Nice work, keep at it, these sessions will help you loads the more you do them.
when you are done with them try to check your proportions tho, the heads are off a bit, and i suggest you start with a round primitive to block in the pelvis and rib cage, its easier to get used to the proportions. i also suggest adding more S curves when drawing woman, i made you a cheat sheet for the proportions and it includes an example for S curves.
Keep up the good work! hope to see more soon!
Hi othmane
Hi, when your arms are outstretched be very careful not to be distracted by the contour of the muscles.
If you look carefully you will realise that you can represent them with a single fluid line. :)
Good work! It helps to build a habit of looking for the main flow of the pose. Some poses have a built in an opportunity to treat the torso and weightbearing leg as one big gestural shape. Like the girl with vase. Also be careful to avoid symmetry in the limbs as that stops the gestural flow of things. Hope that helps and keep these coming. You're doing great!
My take on the bean assignment , any feedback will be very apreciated.
I love the movement on these! Personally I would just try to make the lines a bit tidier, the lines on some of these are a bit messy in my opinion. Other than that, keep up the great work :D
Where can the brushes be downloaded from?
go to my classroom and then open the course you'll find them in the downloads section.
joshua robinson
just wondering, is this course for people that have a decent understanding of colour theory? or is it for people like me that barely understand it?
i'm fairly new to color theory and honestly i think each person of every skillset can take something out of this course.