Activity Feed
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Raymond Xu
Back again with gesture. It's really exciting! Still confused on how to exaggerate the pose. I hope that I can get a feedback.
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Hi, your lines are little messy i would suggest working on your line quality , if you're trying to rush because the time is just not enough i suggest adding more time as long as you keep focusing the motion not the coutures.
Some gesture drawing i did today , any feedback is very apreciated.
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My take on the bean assignment , any feedback will be very apreciated.
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I'm farily new to this , any feedback/critiques will be very appreciated.
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My take on the lesson 1 demo, any feedback would be apreciated.
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barbara miller
Where can the brushes be downloaded from?
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go to my classroom and then open the course you'll find them in the downloads section.
joshua robinson
just wondering, is this course for people that have a decent understanding of colour theory? or is it for people like me that barely understand it?
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i'm fairly new to color theory and honestly i think each person of every skillset can take something out of this course.
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