Michael Bristow
Michael Bristow
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Manuel Rioja
Assigments done my way...
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Michael Bristow
that's really good!
Nuria Lluch
Hi! I really struggled doing this one, but it was fun though :-) I never dare to draw from imagination, so I'm happy that someone push me to do so. I'm not very happy with the results, but it probably would get better with practice!
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Michael Bristow
you should be happy with them there really good i drew a cat and wouldnt dare put it on here lol
Samantha Maggard
Finished up assignment…continue to draw every day. I’ve been working on 30 to 60 sec gesture drawings. How about you?
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Michael Bristow
i really need help on gesture drawings these look really good
Michael Bristow
I really need help on proportions a lot and lines and probably other things but I tried its even harder when you have tremors in your hands I was going to do the Reilly method or Loomis method but I just don't understand them enough to use them but anyway this is Pocahontas by Glen Kean.
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Michael Bristow
ok i need help i dont know really any artist how can you look for them other than the ones stan has listed ive tried puting in master artist but all it shows is a bunch of da vinci even when i put in modern thanks
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Anna S
Hello all! Here is what I did this week. The dancers are by Degas, the profile portrait by Dave Malan, the red woman by Adriaen van de Velde, the fee and horse by Claire Wending, and the two nudes by Giorgos Sikeliotis. I was satisfied more or less with each one, but one sees what a long way I have to go, when they are brought in direct comparison to the original. I think I will do more studies in the next days and post them here,
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Michael Bristow
all of these are really really good
Michael Bristow
these are my efforts feed back is appreciated sorry for some of the lines i have tremors in my hands
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Michael Bristow
Asked for help
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Michael Bristow
i tried i guess thats all that matters urg
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Michael Bristow
i think this one might be worse than the first idk urh
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