Orange County, Ca.
Stan, this was a good video.
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Drawing with a band-aid sucks, my complements Stan.
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Misplaced my reference...again, and I was not finished yet.
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I use this table easel When i draw. Its pretty cheap and works very well.
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I got one of those, and yes it works very well.
My printer stopped cooperating so I had to free draw the Rhino and I could not stop.
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Modified chisel points on drawing pencils have been seriously under-rated in recent history in my opinion but what do I know.
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Nobody has gone over line in this much detail with me ever. Found it interesting and fun to experiment with. Stan thank you for the extra time making this video. I appreciate it and it looks like others did too.
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Debated posting this. "Dune" Mouse. Linear stage before knock back and shadow mapping. Having printer issues so no Rhino today.
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Zach Pipher
Sketching is very scary to me and i dont know why. It shouldnt be that difficult but I get anxious whenever i do it.
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Avoid perfectionism(took some practice for me), do not grip your pencil too tight and just get into the "flow".
Can I call this a portrait?
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I don't know about anybody else but I found this more challenging than I thought it would be so I made myself draw an egg too (from imagination, no egg model).
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Asked for help
Liked your "Creating Textures" lesson, never had it explained like that before. Good Job. Think the Coral you were talking about are Urchins, would see them in the tide pools when surfing. That is what I saw in your hatchwork anyway. I do like this, using textures as contures to show form along with light and shadow. Cool.
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Gianna Steele
love these vids!
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I have both of Robertsons and Bertlings books, use them as reference when working out problems. You took a course taught by these two, that must have been alot of information all at once I would bet.
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Springtime has the coolest flowers.
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