Mark Denny
Mark Denny
Mark Denny
Final attempt at a pear! Moving on!
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Mark Denny
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Mark Denny
My second attempt at a pear, and the first with pencil. Right now, for me, it feels a bit flat, and I don't get a sense of light cast. I also struggled to differentiate the 2 shades of the dark part of the shadow, and have some small, dark pointy shadows (along the upper left) that I don't find satisfying. Welcome to feedback!
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Mark Denny
I've been enjoying using pen and used it here. I know i should be using pencil but wanted to post this nonetheless. Because I used pen there are a few test lines in the picture that I couldn't erase
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Vitor Lara
Hello guys, im from Brazil. In this video David broke the “180 rule” in the last panel, right? I’ve read the script and made a sketch for the page and its 5 panels, and the last one gave me trouble. I’ve tried to be faithfull to the script, bug in order to respect the rule my hero was seen from behind. There are some rules and cases when you could break this “180 rule”? Thanks in advance!
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Mark Denny
i think breaking the rule works for two reasons: (1) the characters in panel 4 are looking off panel so it makes sense that in panel 5 we see what they're looking at, and by seeing the hero from their POV, (i.e. behind them, so that we're sharing their sight-line), we experience the hero as they do (2) the introduction of the hero, a new character, permits a reverse shot from the previous angle so that we're not looking at the back or side of the hero. If we want to see his face in a three-person scene, we need to break the 180 rule. So maybe the 180 rule only really applies for two-people. I don't know though! I'm new to this.
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