Marbee Ngoc Tran
Marbee Ngoc Tran
Activity Feed
Marbee Ngoc Tran
Hi everyone! See your amazing artworks make me feel so proud to be a part of this community. Here is my submission for this month Proko Challenge. I wanted to make an animated film in an anime style. I want it to be magical and dreamy. If I could dream to live in this world, I wouldn't want to wake up. I imagine myself in this imaginative world where Naomi lives with the Three Mighty Giants, who represent for Hope, Imagination and Love. She has her own adventure in this magical world and her mission is to protect this world of her own. These three Giants bring Hope and Love to people, and unlock their imagination, which is the core of this land. And in order to protect the Giants, she has to make sure everyone is filled with loves and hopes and dreams, so that they cannot be consumed by the Darkness. I feel like this is my constant battle where I have to fight myself not to be eaten by depression. I turn my family and friends in to the Three Giants because I'm lucky to surrounded by them who have always been believing in me. Thus, I did not give up on this dream and hopefully one day I will become a professional artist. Imagination allows us to speak in our own voice and I am astonished by our community. I wish everyone the best on your journey!
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