Margaret Langston
Margaret Langston
Monticello, NY
Margaret Langston
I didn’t do the ginger the first time around and now see the benefit. I just drew some ginger to warm up, then tried some ginger blobs…
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Margaret Langston
Stressful time, had to draw something I really like. Cats. I probably over complicated this exercise.
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Hanna Looye
This was so much fun!! And so very important. I am used to sketch my designs in blobs. Which is great if you want to draw movement and dynamic poses. But the advantige of drawing boxes over the blobs is that you get way more acurate with shape and placement. In my blobsketch the placement of the wings is off (too much to the left.) But I only figured that out after I drew the boxes. If there is any other stuff that you can correct me on, I would very much appreciate it.
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Margaret Langston
Yes, This is a very creative take on the assignment!
Margaret Langston
More blob to box. Is this level 2?
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Margaret Langston
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Margaret Langston
Blob to box, level 1?
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Margaret Langston
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Margaret Langston
Ladytruck III. I spent the most time constructing this one so I think it’s a little better.
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Margaret Langston
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Margaret Langston
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Margaret Langston
I’m still struggling but it’s getting clearer. Some of my wheel ellipses still seem wonky but I’m closer to getting the wheels in the right place. I have to send a shout out to Rachel Dawn Owen’s for help with that!!! Thanks again, Rachel.
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Margaret Langston
This is getting a bit easier but I doubt I’ll get to level 2 any time soon. My big Q right now is how to determine the inside and outside of the wheels (without a reference.) I’m having trouble doing that intuitively.
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Margaret Langston
My last attempt to do the demo, for now. I still got very confused while executing this.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Excuse me Mr. Teacher .. didn't you tell us to make it in 3 point perspective? Also ... why do I feel like the proportions of your boxes are a bit ... wonky? ^^
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Margaret Langston
Yes, the professor's demo looks like it's in 2-pt perspective, which is what I'm sticking with because this is hard enough already. YOU did a great job with it...
Margaret Langston
Wow. This seems so hard. I am working small scale just to have an easier time with the lines. This is a paper doll cutout of a monster truck. I know there are several mistakes. I had to use some color to finish my drawing just to make this assignment seem like something else. Sigh. I’ll keep working on it.
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Margaret Langston
Here's my 10? 12? attempt at the cylinder in a cube with ellipses, ground out with many messy lines that just get thicker and thicker. I'm still working on my girltruck that spews out clean air, is covered with leaves and flowers, and emits drugs that make everyone in the world peaceful.
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Guys... I give up.... I am not even able to draw the ellipse correctly inside/within (??) the square. And the second ellipse does not change in perspective... ?!?!
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Margaret Langston
Dear Sniggy: Don't give up. This exercise is doable but I'm finding it requires many attempts and I'm not having much fun. "Intuitive" and "exact" are two different animals.
Margaret Langston
Big Q on timestamp 7:18 and lesson note: "The minor axis is at the same angle as the receding lines of the box and crosses the center point." Is this the same as saying: "The minor axis must to to the vanishing point?"
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Margaret Langston
I think my attempt on my own was way more successful than trying to copy this demo. Prof. P, it looks like you did this in 3-pt perspective. Would it be easier in 2-pt?
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Margaret Langston
Everybody's comments so far have been very helpful, starting with USE A HARDER PENCIL. :)
Margaret Langston
Mannequin Hands, level 1 and 2
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