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I enjoyed drawing this camel. I lightly sketched the basic inside shapes first, then used those as landmarks to connect my C, S, and I lines. I tried to use the minimum number of lines necessary to convey the nose and mouth, but I think I might have got caught up in too many details. What do you think about the detail level on the face?
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Mackenzie Turner
I was actually pretty surprise how nice these looked in the end, considering how much my brain was like "I can't tell what you're trying to make here..." for most of the process. First image was my original attempt, and the second was done while following along with the demo. Definitely made me realize I could have gotten a lot more value "punch" out of the first drawing if I had used more than one pencil!
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Nice progress! I also had a realization of how narrow my value scale used to be when I drew everything with HB. 6B is my new favorite along with 2B.
Overall, it needs more practice.
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I can see your 5 distinct values. I think you did a good job!
I liked practicing finding the values from colors and having to make decisions on only 5 total values.
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