Pedro Soares
Pedro Soares
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Pedro Soares
Question: I'm going through the ArtWOD program right now and while I think I've got a grasp on the fundamentals, there is one thing I don't quite get on how to draw from imagination which is... - How to use Imagination? Unconfortable has a video here on Proko on how you can use perspective and form manipulation to create new things albeit having afantasia. But if you have Imagination how do you use it? If I'm daydreaming and distracted the pictures in my head come alive, but when I focus on the paper they tend to evaporate, so how does one keep balance? P.S. I'm loving the program (beginner course was great as well) specially in the sense of clarity and purpose of the assignments and how they seamlessly connect the fundamentals to a personal design or illustration.
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Pedro Soares
Hello! My question is: how much imagination do you use when you draw from imagination? do you visualize your characters/designs in your head before you draw them? When I'm focused drawing It's hard to chase the images in my head, when my attention is scattered they come back, but it's hard keeping the balance between being focused and daydreaming.
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Pedro Soares
As you know and have covered before, mental health is quite fundamental for artists. I think it would be of great value to invite an actual expert on the field to dispel ingrained misconceptions about depression and anxiety, explain why do we get stuck in bad moods and what tools do we have avaliable to fight against them. I managed to recover from depression and do-nothingism largely thanks to the Feeling Good Podcast with veteran and pioneer psychotherapist David Burns, so of course he and his team have my whole hearted recommendation. That's it, have a great time.
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