Lili Richter
Lili Richter
Vienna, Austria
Working in the field of illustration since 2015, mostly for childrens books, textbooks and magazines.
Lili Richter
Today, I started drawing the skull from different angles. It will take a lot of more practice to internalize it, but I start to understand the planes :-) Any feedback is very welcome.
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Lili Richter
This time, I chose to draw with pencils, as I feel more comfortable with it. I found the video to be pretty fast and the sound quality a bit bad, but with enough pauses, I managed to do it. I guess there are some mistakes. In myfront view, the mandible is too long, and in the profile view the chin turned out too weak, hopefully the next attempt will be better. Also, on this occasion, I got my skelton out of the cellar :-)
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Lili Richter
Hello everybody! I'm an illustrator from Austria, working for years without profound anatomy-skills. I did a lot of life drawing years back during my studies, but never really learned the theory. So I thought it's about time to change this, and I'm happy the course started today. I liked the first lesson and wanted to share my first results with you. Usually, I draw on paper, but decided to do this in Photoshop to improve my digital skills, too. Lots of other things to improve - feedback is very welcome :-)
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