Katie Silva
Katie Silva
Character design supervisor on Castlevania, i draw anime boys
Have you ever had to deal with (somewhat longterm) hand/ wrist injury? I'm a recent art school graduate and because of my final thesis year, I have hand and wrist pain and it's hindering my ability to build my portfolio for work. I was just wondering if you had any tips to manage your hand pain especially during a time you had to produce a lot of pieces?
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Katie Silva
HEY so I went thru this myself, the main thing is you gotta rest your hand sadly, but go see a physical therapist if you can and they can give you some exercises and stretches specific to your injury and let you know if hand braces are the way to go for you. Icing, stretching, strengthening, etc. I hope you feel better soon, please rest up!
Stan Prokopenko
Stan Prokopenkoadded a new lesson
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