Krutikesh Patel
Krutikesh Patel
Newb, looking for critique
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Krutikesh Patel
Asked for help
Please dont pull the puches, looking for critique.
I feel like next time make the nasal cavity 50% smaller it’s a bit large compared to the rest of the face but, man that detail is amazing. Also teeth are through out the entire mouth the way it looks now they have the teeth placement of a horse
Suraj Kumhat
The teeth are not well and the skull is not balance. You draw a centre line on the skull and you will notice the imbalance in the skull. I liked the shading. That I wish I could learn.
Martijn Punt
Hi @krutikesh , The rendering is pretty solid but the proportions have issues (mostly the forehead is too small, which is something i did all the time, the left and right side of the skull are not symmetrical (right side is too wide). I took the diagram from which shows proportions of the Proko skull and lined it up on the side and on the bottom to show where the proportion issues are. Then I used the correct proportions to roughly "fix" your drawing using photo editing software. I use this overlay method as well to figure out what I did wrong in my drawings, so I don't make the same mistakes next time. Anyway I think you made an good drawing, with better proportions is would have been an awesome drawing.
Hey! you have a great patience and ability to see details. but there are many perspective mistakes in this drawing. you should start learning simple 3d forms. this may give you a very big help.
Thom Bz
Well the shading looks pretty good! The right eye socket (so left if you look at the drawing) looks right to me but the shape of the left one (right on the pic) has a weird angle in the upper right side. Also the nasal cavity seems a bit too big in proportion with the rest of the skull. Sorry if I mess up the words, english is not my native language! Other than that I think your shadows are very nice! I'd say maybe polish a bit more shape and proportions (for example the back of the skull seems a bit too round and big. If you look at different skulls and just their silhouette you can see that the cheekbones are sticking out a bit) Nice work overall! Keep it up :)
Matthew Kioki
Very nice job on the rendering! It might help if we knew exactly what you want critiques on, what your goal was, and/or what you feel is lacking. I think you might want to study proportions of the skull a bit more and spend a little bit more time in the layout phase. Keep up the great work!
Cassidy Keith
The shading around the teeth area needs improvement- it still looks flat. possibly add some under the upper row teeth to show its above the lower row of teeth. you already rock the skull shading better than i do! keep it up!
Yiming Wu
Maybe because it's you trying to replicate the lighting situation so the left (right on the image) eye socket has that weird tip on the top that kinda throw the balance out...and the place where the jaw connects the skull, and the jawline itself isn't quite lined up. My suggestion would be to align the shape properly whether it's from observation or from imagination (looks observational to me this one), so you don't waste time shading something that's wonky in the first place... Your shading looks nice to be honest, I'm not good at pencil so nothing I could suggest there XD. I see people already suggested many things, so for me I think that's about it :D
Bradwynn Jones
Hi there! I love drawing skulls myself. This looks very cool. It has issues structurally though. You know how we draw the thirds of the face and keep all the features on the same angles...same goes for skulls. I'd say try to spend the time in the beginning of the drawing and build a solid framework of the skull and then add in more details, shadow shapes and shading. Your shading is so good and the structure under it is off making the skull look out of proportion. Here is a link to my video on skull drawing... You can see how i first build the structure of the skull and then go into the fun shading after that. Hope that helps. Great work on the shading and details!
The rendering looks good. Assuming a generic skull model, my concern is mostly around the basic anatomy of the skull. It looks to me like you may have changed you angle of view between drawing out the proportions of the left and right sides. While the left side looks drawn straight on the right hand side appears more in a slight profile. The eye sockets appear to mismatch including the cheekbone. My initial reaction is that the nasal region is oversized and the hinge of the mandible looks thin in comparison to the lower jaw. I love the shading in the image and the depth and dimensions it brings out. You were able to show a great range of light to dark while bringing out a lot of detail. I am not sure if you were focusing on shading and rendering or if you were focused on composition and structure. I think if you focus some more on composition and structure more, your rendering and shading are already great and so I am looking forward to seeing your future work.
Ernesto Vázquez-Belén
First, kudos for getting in a skull study. 👌🏻 Overall, I do like image. Looking through critiques and at your image, and reflecting on proportions, the one thing I would suggest that could help you address many of these problems is the beginning phase of your drawing. Based on what I see, it looks like you went straight to drawing a finished skull. I think that a lot of the problems that were pointed out could be addressed if you spent time building up the initial structure of your drawing: simple forms, spacial relationships, etc (including light and shadow areas) before moving in to do the final lines of your drawing. If you start with a box for each eye socket--drawing guide lines for height, etc., from one to the other, to help with sizing--then that could really help you out. And, based on what I'm personally seeing in your drawing as far as shading, rendering, attention to light, etc., I think taking that time to build up the structure of your drawing would really help to strengthen what you're doing in the final stages.
Daniel Richardson
The shading on the left is very nice , but the left your half tones got muddied up. I'm Right handed, so if you are too id recommend using another piece of paper to prevent smudging and keep your halftones clean. Also pointy socket and asymmetry.
Can you post the reference image to compare ?
John Guy
Overall this looks good but there are some issues that I can see. The most obvious issue to me are the asymmetries. Skulls tend to be symmetrical. Also, compositionally slight asymmetries tend to make an image look 'off' as if it were supposed to be symmetrical but isn't. The eye socket on the left of the image is rounded, while on the right it comes to a point in the corner. The left cheek and eye are slightly lower than the right. The nose is closer to the right eye socket then the left. The left side is narrower than the right. It looks like you were observing the skull from a slightly off-center position. The problem is, the jaw and teeth seem to be straight on and symmetrical. A good general rule is to make things symmetrical or clearly asymmetrical to avoid this uncomfortable closeness to symmetry. The rendering is quite nice. The left side might benefit from some reflected light and a core shadow, but it's hard to know without seeing it. The way you did it certainly isn't wrong. Those are my two cents. Hope it is helpful.
Siddharth Gupta
I think the skull has some proportion errors and I think you should first try shading simple objects like a bottle Or a Mug before jumping to complex objects
Cristian Regnier
Hi krutikesh!  Nice rendering, it looks great. The skull feels a little bit large, maybe you should spent more time in the construction phase. Checkout Gottfried Bammes method, it's a great balance between abstraction and anatomy.
Nick Lyre
if I'm not mistaking this is a male's skull. the only 2 things that are really obvious to me are: disproportion of left eye pit in comparison with the right one + general roundness of the top of the skull (left side is a bit smaller that the right one again and it creates some feeling of disproportion). Plus, I think, that males have a bit thicker skull at the eyebrows part. I'd recommend you to check out uldis zarins's anatomy for sculptors book (it'll help a lot). But, generally, this is a very solid piece and I really love the pencil texture on this illustration. Good job.
Bas de Vries
First of all, looks awesome, got a cool biology notebook vibe! I would say that the proportions are a bit off here and there. For instance, the left side of the skull is more narrow than the right side, the nose holes (don't know how you'd call those) are too big, also over all the skull is a bit too long I think. Maybe next time before diving into details add some more construction lines, like a center line etc. And check: where sits the nose bottom of the nose in correlation with the height of the cheekbones, how do the corners of the eyes line up with the width of the jaw etc.
Carl Cotton
Very well done. It looks great to me.
Bruno Paes
The shading looks good. To me what is missing is a bit of proportion, it feels like the head and the eyes are too round, like you did a circle for sketching and kept it there to the end. The nose is maybe too big, and the jaw also could use more structure. But its a great drawing, you know your way around shading. Is that charcoal? Proko would probably tell you to pump up contrast between core shadows and halftones. I think.
Krutikesh Patel
Krutikesh Patel
Loomis heads use 2 cuts/shaves to the sphere. These will look elipse if the face is not in profile. The shape of this elipse, centre, major and minor axis has a lot to do with the perspective if a circle on a box rotating in the space. Imagine the choped off sphere as a very round tyre of a vehicle, determine the perpendicular minor axis of the chopped elipse. Imagine the elipse on a square plane, the diagonals intersecting point will be the real centre of the circle, which will be little away from the centre of the elipse.This all will help you determine the orientation of the chopped of sphere, placement of various facial features.
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