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I tried the level 2 drawings, which didn't go so well, to much redrawing and erasing. Lines nor really confident. I also tried to put too much detail in the skull.
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My attempts at the level 1 drawings in this lesson, the snail ean't too bad, but the boot laces nearly drove me insane.
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Here is my attempt ay both the pear and portrait. I had a go at both, as you can see I went some way towards simplification, but didn't fully get there by any means.
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I am very likely to purchase the head and figure drawing courses, but am unsure about this course which is quite a bit more expensive. I can see that it would be very useful for more advanced human figure drawing. However, my main interest is in animal drawing, would the techniques learned in this course be helpful in that arena? Obviously the specific anatomies will differ, except possibly for primates, but would there be enough general techniques in learning anatomy to justify buying the course? I should say that I have signed up for Aaron Blaise animal drawing courses so this would be in addition to those.
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