Activity Feed
Tomek Kowalczuk
Here are my final submissions. That's five out of many 2"x2" thumbnails that I made last days. All the reference images come from my private gallery. I really enjoyed the challenge, good luck everyone!!
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Love them all
Hi all, my name is Julia Kamenskikh, and this is my official entry for #prokochallenge organized by @tiffaniemangart and @prokotv Five tiny paintings, all sized by 2 in x 2 in. Painted with gouache and 3/4 in brush. And I think those are the smallest paintings ever done before. And cannot express how much I’ve enjoyed it. You are forced to simplify and it feels like solving a puzzle to me. I will be definitely doing these again, thank you Tiffany for such a great idea and all organizers for organizing this! All photos are taken by me.
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