Jhon Fernandez
Jhon Fernandez
Jhon Fernandez
1 just reference then after watching video
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Jhon Fernandez
1st just reference 2nd after watching video
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this is great! You can see you followed the instructions to stick to sharp edges and find 5 values. Maybe on your next attempt add the 5 values on the page for reference to check yourself.
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Jhon Fernandez
Thank you so much 😊
Jhon Fernandez
Exercise 1 level 2. Quite difficult
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Steve Lenze
This looks pretty good. The only thing you could do to improve it a little is to have less contrast between your core shadow and dark middle value. Other than that, it looks nice :)
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Jhon Fernandez
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it 🙏
Jhon Fernandez
This is my first attempt without watching the demo. I’d love some feedback. Thanks in advance.
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Jhon Fernandez
This is mi first attempt, there is still a lot to improve on, I used charcoal. I’d love to have some feedback. Thanks in advance.
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