James Burnette
James Burnette
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Mechanical Designer and wannabe 3d animator and storyboarder/cartoonist
James Burnette
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James Burnette
I asked this question awhile back and we couldn't find an answer here it is.
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James Burnette
Asked for help
How do I get my paws on this 3D model or program?
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Jesper Axelsson
Maybe a lesson covering the anatomy of the face in detail (names of the skull bones, origin and insertion of muscles and their names). There are a lot of sources out there for that (I learned it from Goldfinger's and Peck's books, while studying NMA's 3D models.) But since there is no course on Proko covering that, it might be a nice addition for those who do most of their learning on this site.
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James Burnette
What are NMA's 3D models you speak of?
James Burnette
Who won this is there a video of the judging?
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James Burnette
Here is my submission "Security Mallbot" Type LSD 25.
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James Burnette
Is there a way to make these videos play to back or put them in a que..
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James Burnette
Srarted drawing looser. Drawings look like shit but it's more fun and faster.
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James Burnette
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James Burnette
Does anyone know were I can find a pose-able interactive 3d model. I need to draw different gestures like for instance angry, elated and tired. I want to learn anatomy at the same time and draw the muscles in different poses. Kind of like skelly except with muscles.
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James Burnette
Hey where did you get those plastic dumbbells.
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Izak van Langevelde
It varies wildly between individuals, so it is hard to say anything about it...
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James Burnette
So just eyeball it.
Vincentius Sesarius
I know it's a bit late, and you probably have figured that one out. But in case you haven't, that distance, in a better terminology, is called nasal bridge. The thickness of our nasal bridge is actually determined by the thickness of our nasal bones and a muscle called Procerus. Men usually have thicker of both, while women's are more shallow and smooth. Ethnicity also plays a huge part in this particular facial feature. Caucasian tends to be on the thicker side, while other ethnicity, like African and Asian, tend to be on the shallower side.
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James Burnette
Thanks but what I am trying to figure out is how far to inset the eyeball from the edge of the skull or some other landmark.
James Burnette
Groovy hey does anyone know how this proportion is derived?
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James Burnette
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
James Burnette
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
James Burnette
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
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James Burnette
My first drawing in portrait drawing fundamentals. How do you guy's approach your studies? Do you keep drawing the same lesson until you can do it blind folded with a Chihuahua chewing on your leg. When is it time to move on to the next lesson?
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James Burnette
Carl how do you keep going when your first starting out and your 5 year old great nephew say's your a punk and your drawings are shit and you should quit.
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James Burnette
Sinix should borrow some of Stans brylcreem.
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