Activity Feed
Marco Sordi
2023/12/31. Good evening everybody. Here's another acrylic painting I've made using new materials (paper, brushes and solvents). I'm gradually getting familiar with acrylics but I need a lot of practice to control them properly. Thanks for any comment or critique.
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well done in pose and structure! Have you tried different blues? prussian blue would work here in your shadow areas
Marco Sordi
2024/1/1. Hi everybody. This illustration was a part of a work I made a week ago more or less. I beg your pardon for posting it here since is not exactly a figure drawing. I hope you don't mind too much. Thanks.
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Happy New Year! Its endearing creature!!
@Kyle M congratulations on your win! You put out great work!🧚
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@prokoteam thanks for your fundamentals figure course I will be practicing and posting my journey in community chat🧚
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What time are you planning on announcing your winners?
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when and where will you post the winners for this challenge? has anyone received any updates ?
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What is a presale? There’s no lesson number or hours posted on this course Could you please explain
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2min poses and 2x30 min poses
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I see that I missed the assignment of structure because I was getting too lost in following instructions 🤔 new concepts for me!!
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Kyle Mjoen
Here's mine for the day, still experimenting with the shape-rendering in my longer poses.
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I prefer your composition over the original one 🙌super inspirational
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