Gannon Beck
Gannon Beck
I make T-shirts and comics.
Gannon Beck
I rushed through this because I'm trying to get to bed, but I think it's better to rush through it than to skip it when building a habit. Tonight is what James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits" would describe as a placeholder habit. Even if you only have two minutes give it the two minutes so that you can improve on the habit as you go. This was nine minutes, so in a way, I'm overachieving;)
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Gannon Beck
159th Day of Proko and counting. Thirty second, two minute, and five minute sketches.
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Gannon Beck
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Dave Lord
looking forward to the assigments!
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Gannon Beck
These are fantastic. It looks like you have a great understanding of how form works.
Gannon Beck
Here are my mannequinization studies. When I'm drawing structure, I like to break the parts down to the simplest forms I can, which are boxes and cylinders. Whenever I get stuck on a drawing, I remind myself that it's just objects occupying space, and if I can understand how objects are occupying space, I can work my way through it. For instance, when looking at a rib cage, I'm asking myself which part is closest to me. Am I looking up at it or looking down at it? What is the pelvis's orientation compared to the rib cage? Again when looking at cylinder representing the upper leg, I ask myself which end is closest to me--which is the part I'll see the top of. This way of thinking helps me solve all kinds of problems, and also helps me draw from imagination. Practicing gesture and anatomy also help--I want as many tools in my toolbox as I can get--but stripping the mannequin down to its purest form is an approach I continue to find useful. One bad habit I have, which you can see in the first two drawings, but I consciously worked on though out the rest of the exercise, is that I can go in really sketchy. After the first two drawings, I tried to ghost in the line a couple times before I set it down to keep everything clean and reduce the number of strokes I used. I'm making progress on that front, but still a long ways to go. Stan's lines are always so pretty, and give us all something to shoot for.
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Nathan Jasso
Day 5, Thank you everyone for the feedback with my last post. I actually finished these this morning, but was lagging on putting them together in one layer.
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Gannon Beck
I agree with Joseph--you have some good mark making going on. Keep leaning into these. It looks like you're on to something.
Gannon Beck
158th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches.
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Gannon Beck
I went to the Virginia Renaissance Faire today and did some sketches.
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Nathan Jasso
Hello everyone, ‘This is my 4th day of doing timer sketches. I’m attempting the figure drawing course right now and completed the first section today. I want to work more on gesture this weekend then start with “the bean” section on Monday. The orange ones are 30 second drawings and the blue ones are 2 min. I need to work on proportion and making the figures smaller so I don’t get them chopped up. The reason why my lines may be darker than most is because I have an eye condition that limits my vision. It does get confusing sometimes when I’m trying to figure out which line is which. Looking forward to working with you all!
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Gannon Beck
Very nice, Nathan! I'm in the figure drawing course, too and these daily sketches really help with practicing the concepts.
Gannon Beck
157th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches.
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Gannon Beck
I can't say I've figured out how to get what I want out of the watercolor medium--particularly when sketching models that have no obligation to stay still. One artist who recommends preliminary sketching like this before doing longer pieces said that it doesn't matter if I like the sketch as long as I learned something in doing it.
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Gannon Beck
156th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches.
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Art Stark
Shapes #5
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Gannon Beck
First picture is my warm-up. Second is a hand drawn picture using no ruler. I have to work on my warm-up exercises as my straight line precision was a little off. I also went over them quite a few times, making them kind of dark and messy. The third picture is done on Procreate. I did not use a grid, but I did use the straighten line function. Overall, I’d like to increase my confidence in stroking long straight lines across page and having a clear vision in my head, what different horizon lines and different vanishing points would look like before I put pencil to paper.
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Gannon Beck
Good work, Phil!
Gannon Beck
155th Day of Proko and counting. A few one minute sketches tonight.
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Dynamic shape/gestural studies. Tried to give credit to the artist, but there were two images off of Pinterest that did not have credits to the original artist. Having a fun time, just trying to break down the shaped design of the Various Artists and capturing an overall pose. The Dratini essentially became a seal study. Lol. To reiterate what Proko has said over and over, it’s essential to find things that I’m interested in drawing and applying it to the projects assigned.
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Gannon Beck
Very cool!
Gannon Beck
Not quite in the zone on this one, but glad I was able to get some paint to paper for a little while.
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Gannon Beck
I want to start working watercolor sketching into these daily sketches. Part of the challenge is making sure I can get into it quickly. I bought some pens that have refillable water cartridges and I think that's going to help. Anything that requires a lot of setup and breakdown won't get done often.
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Gannon Beck
Structure! Structure! Structure!
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Gannon Beck
Playing around with structural concepts.
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