Erwan Audefroy
Erwan Audefroy
Im a mexican/french art student of the internet.
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Erwan Audefroy
I think the other 2 people before me already said it right but I'll add this in case it might help you. Think about the signature people use to sign legal documents. Those are gesture lines. Your gesture drawings could look kind of like that. With lines that go as far as the impulse takes you without worrying about nailing the outline of the model you are drawing.
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Erwan Audefroy
Hello and thanks for doing this. How would you recommend to start drawing from imagination?
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Erin :-)
I can't seem to find how to access this live stream....... uggggh.
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Erwan Audefroy
I thiink its not a livestream but just they answering our questions through here.
Erwan Audefroy
Hello and thank you both for being here. Why is that even today illustration is not taken as serious as fine arts even if it also takes a lot of hard work?
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Erwan Audefroy
Thank you very much for your answere! Sorry to put you in that jam at the beginning! xD
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Erwan Audefroy
Have you thought about a virtual reality live model workshop?
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Erwan Audefroy
What is the best way to have a plan of improvement if I don't have yet a big budget to take a lot of classes?
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