Nick Lyre
Nick Lyre
Nick Lyre
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Martha Muniz
Very beautiful! Similar to what Steve said, I do have a few suggestions for you to consider, if you are inclined to continue working on this piece. I did a quick paintover to better explain, but it comes down to the distribution of light. There are some areas (nose, cheek, jaw, blindfold) that would receive stronger light, as well as some areas that are more in shadow (neck, ear, flowers). The nose and neck would also be softer with less detailed anatomical definition, either due to the light or more typical female anatomy. Also, compositionally, I reduced the value of the background near her eye/nose area slightly for better contrast and moved her clothing folds to create better flow. These are elements you can continue to play around with to see what you feel best communicates the readability and message of your painting. Either way, great work :)
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Nick Lyre
thank you, great advises with light on nose, face and ear
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Wow. This is beautiful. Did you use a reference?
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Nick Lyre
just general mood board, no specific reference
Steve Lenze
Hey Nick, This is really nice, good job. I have two really subtle, nit picky things to mention: The edges of the nostril and the ear are so hard they draw my attention. And, the contrast of the shirt and hair is the greatest in the painting, thus drawing my eye there first. I did a quick change to it just to show you what you might do to address these things. They are very small so you could take it or leave it. Hope it helps :)
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Nick Lyre
thank you very much
Nick Lyre
Hello. Requesting critique on my latest work, would appreciate some feedback.
Nick Lyre
is there any posibility to get a certificate after finishing any course here on proko?
Nick Lyre
Thank you very much for the course!
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Nick Lyre
this course is great!!! thank you so much. esp the - all reflected colors are where the shadows are - nails down so much. thank you.
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Steve Lenze
I like your painting, and I can see how you're going for the Caravaggio look. I think though, in my opinion, that you have created too much contrast, and you are loosing the overall form of the torso. In particular, where the midsection rolls under the ribcage. Instead, you have really defined the smaller, individual forms of the torso. I darkened that area and lowered the contrast in that area in a quick paint over. Again, this is in my opinion and you may not agree, but, I hope you find it valuable in some way :)
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Nick Lyre
yeah, I see, this way the eye gets more drawn to the light on the leg shoulder and arm , and the back gets more blended with the background. thanks a lot, I get the idea, I've also had a feelin' that I've overexagerrated the ribs and muscles of torso a bit too much
Nick Lyre
added a new topic
anatomy study
so I did this study form a photo ref (Anton Belovodchenko - a great photographer), and ive decided to push the values as deep as possible, go sort of a caravaggio way. its pretty solid, but I could use some advise from the masters #jeffwatts
Steve Lenze
This is a beautiful painting, nice job!
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Nick Lyre
thanks a lot. though, now as I look at it, I think I should have made the shadows deeper there
Nick Lyre
can I please get some critique regarding anatomy. what could I improve?
Nick Lyre
Hi, I would love to get some critique from you guys. Did this drawing from a real person a while ago.
Nick Lyre
Hi, I'm Eleftheria-Arts and I'm pretty new to drawing. Would love to hear some of your thoughts regarding my art and I'm very excited to be here with all you guys.
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Nick Lyre
Hi, I've got a pretty simple yet annoyng problem - brushes glitching in Photoshop. I'm pretty surprised that I've this problem since my gear is at good lvl (i7-9 gen, rtx2060, 16 gb ram). I generally have this trouble with some advanced brushes with very low "intervals" setting (~1%) in the brush settings. The lagging dissappears if I increase the intervals setting. Does anyone else, with a powerfull hardware, have this problem? is there any a solution to this?
Nick Lyre
added a new topic
drawing faces
Hi, I'm looking for a critique for my last piece. I feel like I'm having troubles with shading properly with the crosshatching technique (I think I also press too hard and lines turn to be thicker in some places). May be somebody has some advice for me
Zyssna Kim
Hi Eleftheria, your technique of translating the traditional graphite quality to digital is gorgeous. For this critique I referenced Proko's original demo of this foot pose. The Lateral Malleolus (ankle bone) has a flat side plane which is rounded in your drawing. In the muscle/tendon design lecture he emphasized flatter, plane forms for tendons and bony landmarks. Exploring contrast/exaggeration between round shapes and flats could be interesting for a dynamic sculptural effect. For boxiness, remember that the gradient of the shadow is higher contrast between lights and darks to imply a sharp plane change. These "painterly" digital brushes are free on Artstation: Aaron Griffin, Rutkowski, Craig Mullins (goodbrush), Satish Kumar Best of luck!
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Nick Lyre
thnx for the critique, I've got some of thgose brushes, though Grzegorz Ritkowski's brushes are not free + I've worked a lot with some good free brushes and also made my own so now I've got a pretty good library (though there's another problem now, the library is so big now that I, sometimes, get lost within the diversity of brushes that I have :))
Nick Lyre
thanks for the answers. can you guys reveal the thematic of the next challenge?
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Nick Lyre
is it possible for digital photoshop brushes to make as realistic appeal as the trad once do?
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Nick Lyre
okay, but then I end up an ugly drawing and start hating myself for it and get demotivated. and one more question - what do I do if I struggle with carrying the original idea through the rendering routine to the final stage. by the time I workout the perspective and gestures etc I just loose the original vision and just "let the stream carry myself" which ends up leading me, sometimes, far away from my original vision. p.s. by da way, why not all the the poster contest entries where reviewed???
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