You don't need plan and elevation view to rotate vanishing points. You just need to find you station point and use a 90degree triangle to rotate them.
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I relate to so many of these that I couldn't cite them all in a comment. I wanted to share my thoughts on "Lack of empathy" This is the "suck it up" mentality. There is a difference between lack of empathy and the ability to channel pain into a resource. It's related to the 'Run toward the thing that scares you" mentality. People who have experienced a lot of pain naturally have developed a higher tolerance to pain. This can come through as a lack of empathy. Those who have experienced lots of pain have also learned to channel it into power. That can also come across as a lack of empathy. It could simply be that they expect others to channel the pain the same way.
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Wait what? Dean Martin had a tv show? How am I just hearing about this now? @20:35
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I'm watching this in 2023. I love everything James said, what incredible advice and inspirational story! I hope that we are beyond taking advice to elon at this point, though.
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I'm listening to this late in 2023. It's fun and interesting how many of these topics have aged. I can't hear Stan mention the Metaverse and not think of what a failure that was for Zuckerberg.
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Thank you Marshall and Joseph. I love the interview podcasts because I always meet new artists to follow!
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Spoiler Alert: I've seen Fresh and it is a good movie but...If you love dogs I don't recommend seeing it.
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I did all of them then went back and re- drew the ones I liked. I found it hard to simultaneously think about shapes and line quality. Stan is right it really is like juggling.
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Timestamp 24:00 I've literally lost track of all the times that Marshall says something that resonates with me so strongly that I feel we are kindred spirits. Here is another example of it. At this point Marshall points out the advantage of owning a physical copy of a book so that you can take notes in it and make it a dialogue rather than a passive read. There's no better way to internalize valuable knowledge out of a book.  He's a smart man. 
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This was challenging and fun! I don’t have access to photoshop to do an overlay yet. There’s lots of room for improvement but I like it, considering the fact that this is my 2nd portrait ever.
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The reference looks weird because my printer was running out of ink. Some things I found useful: -I found the center of the reference and in my sketchbook, them worked out from there. You don't have to do this but it helps. -My reference is on 8.5 X 11 but sketchbook is 12 x 18 so I cropped the top and bottom enough to keep the same aspect ratio.
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Freed GB
I've already taken 2hours drawing that before I saw the instruction "no shading". I'm feeling so foolish.
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LOL Looks great though!
I'm responding to Marshall's comment about the 'Chip on his shoulder teacher' comment at 50:00. I'm speaking from my experience not as a teacher but as a college level mathematics tutor. I tutored mathematics on my campus for several years as I worked my way through college. I think it's important to not only remove the chip from your shoulder but to also not be annoyed at having to repeat yourself. Sometimes I felt annoyed at having to repeat myself over and over again, but this is the wrong attitude. Iteration is part of learning. If you are passionate about communicating this knowledge to others you have to get used to the idea of repeating yourself. The students need repetition . The good ideas need to be repeated
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My level one assignments
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At timestamp 52:00 the phenomenon Marshal is referring to is studied in economics. It's called the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
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I never ate at Quiznos but I remember some of their marketing was very cringe, so much so that it put me off of them. They had some weird creepy Quiznos beasties singing, yuck!
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After growing up in the midwest and then spending three years in San Diego in the navy I found myself missing thunderstorms, lightening bugs, the sound of cicadas, and snow.
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Asked for help
Hell lipses
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Love the perspective!
Took a cue from Stan in the critique and only focused on a small part. It’s to easy to become overwhelmed otherwise. I see the value in this but it’s not as easy as it looks.
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It helped me to create a key for the line weights. It’s weird that In my sketchbook the verticals looked perfectly parallel but in this photo they are not. I think taking a photo of my drawing may be a great self critique tool moving forward because I can see things in the photo that I can’t see looking directly at it.
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