got the dog refrence from @Tony Zhang over here
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i tryed a few quick things
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ofc i dont think mine todally compare but id say i did a good job replicating the feel of the drawings.
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i drew this as i got inspired by a creator here who made a few pic ideas post the credit to the idea goes to @Vincent Lagacé
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,y learning from sketch w reaserch
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redifined my fav 2 from last post
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more fun scketches and also a bonus fox like caracter i did a study of and made a human pose just for fun
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i did not enjoy drawing the hand u can probs see that also exagerated the pose on the vr girl for fun
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probs kinda missed the mark on the skeleton but i still like him
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im proud of this study final image is my final sketch added the things i liked most
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First try advice and critique appreciated! Secound refrence from Marcus Ranum.
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So i was goona move on but stumbled on some rlly talented work i wanted to replicate and while doing so I thought why dont i try to use the shapes to create an unnatural pose , any thoughts? fist time i try this
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More practice , taking my time w this one I feel like mastering this before going forward is a good idea.(Also redid the horse will also redo the wolves i feel like i didint use enough geometric shapes.
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Now ill move on , see you on the next one!
Did some variaty , ill probably move on to the next step enjoy!
Just started taking the classes they helped a lot , hope u enjoy my drawings!
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