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I wanted to try using charcoal so I made this little study from a random picture on pinterest I feel like I should've spent more time blocking out the main proportions, any critique is welcome
Good drawing! I think you were trying to go for a realistic approach and I don't know if you were drawing from a live reference or a photo, either way I would recommend you to block out the basic plane changes of the face first and then add detail, that way you think about the features and the shading as one thing. For example I like the effect that the nose's cast shadow creates on the right cheek, blending nicely into the side plane of the face and it would've been nice to see it carried through the rest of the piece, since I'm assuming the light source is coming from the bottom right relative to her face. Lastly I wanna say to try not to leave a lot of white spots on the face since it tends to flatten a piece but you nailed the hair texture. Hope I've been helpful^^
Marta Mayorga
Yes, that was really helpful! I started from a live reference and finished with a photo, I'll keep practicing
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