Marco de Goeij
Marco de Goeij
Amsterdam, NL
Rediscovering my passion for drawing.
Marco de Goeij
Hi, this is my first attempt at the bean exercise. These were made on random images from the Proko pose sets after first practicing 'befores and afters' using the assignment example videos. I've learnt a lot from the videos. What I found the most difficult, is that for some tilt and lean poses it's very subtle to see whether the hip oval should be in front or after the rib oval. I also tried to include some line weight variation into it as well to make the forms speak a bit more. I included image numbers from the Proko Pose Sets I used to draw from (Aaron, Chanon, Mallory, Marcia, Veronica & Yoni). Thanks for taking the time to look at these and post your critques!
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Marco de Goeij
Hi, this is my attempt at the 2 minute gesture quicksketch. I'm seeing some progression already since I've started this course, but still need a lot more practice. Also because these poses take me longer than 2 minutes every time. But I'm enjoying drawing these gestures a lot. It's very rewarding to see my daughters judge them and try to do the poses themselves from the drawings. Great lessons and tanks for taking the time to post your critiques!
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Marco de Goeij
Hi, here's my first attempt at the 30 second gesture quicksketch. Quite a challenge to capture these poses in 5 to 10 lines within 30 seconds. I must admit that in this early stage I ran over that 30 seconds every time, trying to look for the best lines. These are in graphite on 30x30cm sheets as I can draw them a bit smaller then, but I'm experimenting in charcoal as well. I included the names of the models and the image numbers from the Proko Pose Sets I used to draw from. Thanks for taking the time to look at these and post your critques!
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