Cody Badders
Cody Badders
Atlanta Ga
Visual Storyteller, illustrator, and designer from Atlanta Georgia. I read to much, and watch a lot of Tokusatsu
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Cody Badders
Hello there! I'm Cody. Long time watcher, first-time challenge entry. I make my own webcomics, but lately, I've wanted to get better at my character design and illustration skills, this seemed like fun! My basic idea was just grasshopper fantasy swordsman. I wanted to get a basic idea down from all of the bits and bobs I wanted to take from the reference images. So, I went on ahead and made a photo bash version for the character himself. I went in with basically my only for sure being using the grasshopper's wing as a shoulder cloak, pairing that with one of the cool dueling swords, and some other cool stuff I saw in the background of the sword hilts image (Mainly the shirt). After that, I just started sketching using some other bits to quickly reference a fantasyesque background for the character, and I was basically done. Wanted to keep it a sketch, so I tried not going too overboard on any finishes or cleanup. Happy with how it turned out! Kinda wanna write something with this little dude, he was fun as heck to draw.
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