Lionel Bethancourt
Lionel Bethancourt
Decided that I can't put art on hold while I'm a psychologist by day. I need this space to connect with what's important in my life
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Lionel Bethancourt
First the fundamentals, then the big shapes, and after that, the small ones. I think I got it!
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Lionel Bethancourt
I did this with different subjects to practice today's assignment. It was complicated and fun to merge traits into a single character. I'm not convinced about the slightly sadistic aspect on my work, as for the rest I'd be happy to know if there's something I overlooked.
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Lionel Bethancourt
Does anyone know how much is the distance between the brow and the top eye lid?
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Lionel Bethancourt
Drawings made with mechanical pencil, charcoal and ink. Gosh! I noticed how easy it is to try to imitate instead of looking for shapes and curves and also wanting to fix things!
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Lionel Bethancourt
My favorite quotes from the video: -As a designer you want to direct the eye... and tell a story...through posture and facial features (secondary), -Simplicity equals mass appeal -Small versus Big, curved vs straight. -Nothing is even/ Break symmetry
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