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Branden Sherman
added comment inDay 1 - Blocking In Values and the Big Impression
Asked for help
Hey Stephen, I'm wondering if you have any advice on how you go about the direction of hatching as you block in the values and then proceed to shade? Is it a matter of becoming more familiar with the anatomy of the face as well as intuiting the forms on the model's face? I feel like whenever I shade I end up over-rendering and it doesn't flow properly, especially in the middle of the cheeks and forehead where forms are more subtle as they are facing the viewer. I am focusing on blocking in values and forms more lightly in the beginning which has been very helpful as I can be a bit heavy handed and move too quickly. This is a great course and I appreciate all the insights and advice throughout!
Happy to help, Branden. In terms of muscles and fat deposits I will tend to hatch in a way that is perpendicular to the longest axis of the particular form. In the case of the Malar fat pad (on the cheek), the long axis travels from the more medial side plane of the nose backward and downward towards the mandible. I would avoid having my hatching/value application to take that same direction.
Good news is we just started working on an app version a few weeks ago! Bad news is it might take up to 12 months to develop and test..
I'm trying to brainstorm ways to speed up the process such as limiting the features of the first app version. It's a balance. If we remove some features, some people might be upset to have limited functionality. But, you get an app sooner. Are there any features that you'd definitely like to be included in the first version?
I’d love to see an app. Since this post is 2 years old now has the idea of an app been scrapped or is the development simply taking longer than planned as other projects came up?
id personally be willing to wait a longer time for the app to come out if that means it’ll have all the same features. I’d also love to see the courses be available for offline downloads so I can go to the app when I’m traveling or whatever and still watch the courses I chose to be available offline.
I think holding off is begrudgingly the right idea. A lot of your audience is of course savvy to understand the way tech and apps are developed and how they take time, but, I would bet a lot of your audience would merely be frustrated at lacking features and give only middling reviews on various app stores.
Relasing another beta may work, but only to a small number of people. I would love the app sooner rather then later, but I think the best thing would be patience.