Daniel Haddock
Daniel Haddock
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John B
@Daniel Haddock we kind of have that right now. If you're interested in following a thread you can click on the three little bubbles in the corner of a post and then hit subscribe. You'll then get notifications every time someone adds something to that thread. You should also see those updates appear in your timeline on your profile page.
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Daniel Haddock
We do kinda have it now. I just feel that the more integrated an experience is to your phone, the more automatic and personal it becomes for the user. This new Proko website could be the twitter of the art world one day very soon.
Stan Prokopenko
Good news is we just started working on an app version a few weeks ago! Bad news is it might take up to 12 months to develop and test.. I'm trying to brainstorm ways to speed up the process such as limiting the features of the first app version. It's a balance. If we remove some features, some people might be upset to have limited functionality. But, you get an app sooner. Are there any features that you'd definitely like to be included in the first version?
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Daniel Haddock
I think holding off is begrudgingly the right idea. A lot of your audience is of course savvy to understand the way tech and apps are developed and how they take time, but, I would bet a lot of your audience would merely be frustrated at lacking features and give only middling reviews on various app stores. Relasing another beta may work, but only to a small number of people. I would love the app sooner rather then later, but I think the best thing would be patience.
Daniel Haddock
Loving the new website Proko team! It’s fun, engaging and socially driven. What else could we need? I think an app that would give us live notifications on comments, forum threads, new announcements and at mentions on the site would be great. It would make this experience that much more engaging and personal for each of us. And I think it would be a natural progression with the new more social dynamic of the website and overall proko community. all in favor, say “I”. Is this a good idea gang? Or am I a crazy man?
John Love
Hello! I'd like some critiques on these, if anyone's able. I have a little trouble capturing limb gesture (specifically the connection of the elbow/knee joint), most of the time, so I can see that's where I need improvement. What else? Can anyone give me some pointers? Should I revisit my gestures and gain more confidence there? Thanks in advance!
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Daniel Haddock
Hello @John Love speaking from only personal experience, I feel like you’re being to stiff with your hand. And also that I don’t think you’re doing pencil strokes with your whole arm. I think if you did more observational gesture drawings for a while while letting your arm and elbow do a lot of the work, you would improve more on the gesture of the limbs like you said, and make more progress with muscle memory. I only say this because that’s what has been working for me. At first things will be sloppy and proportions will be wack, but you’ll start to “feel” what you’re seeing. more gestures from observation and a free arm will help a lot. And try to draw softer so that you can put down final lines better without having to erase so much later. And watch the structure video. I could explain what it will help you with, but if you do it enough you’ll understand it when you apply it. looks like you have a good eye, just spend more time on it.
TeResA Bolen
Hey everyone who has commented here, thank you. I just saw in another thread that it has to do with the player company, and that the Proko team has reached out for help. They’re on it!
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Daniel Haddock
Good to know. I’m encountering this bug as well.
Daniel Haddock
I have done over 800 gestures and I still feel like I am not getting it. I think there’s something important I am not thinking when doing gestures, and I’m not sure what.
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