Bryant De Jesus
Bryant De Jesus
Laredo, TX
I'm a full time biology professor and an aspiring illustrator and author.
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Bryant De Jesus
Asked for help
This was a leap of skill for me, but I learned a lot. I took more than 2 hrs on most of these paintings with the exception of the round ball. In my previous submissions, I struggled to blend my colors well and have somewhat improved. I realized that I was jumping to rendering details too quickly, and had to actively pull back to focus on major color placement before going into the details. These assignments took me a long time mainly due to color picking taking me a while. I feel like I have a better sense of hue, saturation and value after doing all of these assignments. I also realize that focusing too much on rendering the main forms leads me to give up on the background. I still practice picking the correct hues but most of my effort goes towards the main subject. Textures were definitely a challenge but I learned a lot about changes in light on various textured objects. I'll keep applying these concepts to the oncoming lessons.
Bryant De Jesus
Asked for help
I can see myself improving, but I'm still struggling and taking a while to pick my colors to match. I think my values are strong but I find it tricky to keep lights-in-lights and shadows-in-shadows when one doesn't have a matte surface. I learned a lot about reflections and different textured surfaces. I'm still building the patience to do long studies, but I keep short sessions that I resume at later time. I'm not using underdrawings when they're not part of the assignment file which leads to me warping my shapes. I was pushing to start with the painting process immediately.
Bryant De Jesus
I'm retroactively adding these images. It's difficult not to be self-conscious as a novice when it comes to color. I didn't use under drawings when they weren't included in the assignments, which led to me having issues with proportions. I can see that I also had little experience blending colors and values. I started to get a feel for how to pick colors while also seeing them properly.
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
@Dorian Iten what is the difference between the penumbra and ambient occlusion? Not clear to me
Bryant De Jesus
Ambient occlusion = a type of shadow that is created when ambient light is blocked from reaching a surface. I like to think of it as the beginning of the cast shadow where the object completely blocks light before it's exposed to ambient light and reflected light. Penumbra = The softness around the cast shadow. This is the border area/edge of the cast shadow.
Bryant De Jesus
Bryant De Jesus
This is an amazing explanation! Thank you so much! It finally makes sense.
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