Brayden Copley
Brayden Copley
Just this guy trying to find some joy in art.
Activity Feed
Brayden Copley
I have to say that as I do these I'm astonished at how much texture even very smooth paper has. In doing these quick ones I've not taken the time to island hunt and smooth everything out. I am looking forward to the refined head to see what I can do with more time and attention. Seeing all of this finally makes me understand why my shading always went too dark as a kid. Not knowing about island hunting or kneadable erasers meant that I would use too much pressure to get an even tone thus pushing things too dark, and that I only thought of erasers for removal and not refinement.
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Brayden Copley
First worm problems
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Brayden Copley
Some of the 250 box challenge I am working through.
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Brayden Copley
Before and after
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Brayden Copley
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Brayden Copley
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Brayden Copley
The only one that I'm really not happy with is the shiny one from the ring location. I found it difficult to get the highlight to have enough contrast with the center light without ending up with dirty lights.
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Brayden Copley
It's difficult to get a good shot of this without shine in the pencil.
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Brayden Copley
I'm always afraid that everything is too dark, and often times my fears become reality. This is a tough one for me for sure.
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Brayden Copley
Some subtle refinement. Perhaps still too cautious?
Brayden Copley
Here's my first attempt.
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