Josiah Flannigan
Josiah Flannigan
Aspiring Architect, designer, & fine artist looking to sharpen my visual communication skills!
Josiah Flannigan
Asked for help
Could someone please provide me with some suggestions for this piece I am working on. I have spent more time on this drawing then I would like to admit. But I do not want to give up on the drawing just yet! Not sure if I have dirty lights, my tone groupings are off, or what? But any help would be appreciated!
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Josiah Flannigan
Very rough gesture sketches... I hope the models do not hate for doing such a poor job! But I was trying to capture the essence of the moment and not make perfect sketches.
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Emma X
First time trying to shade in a figure drawing with pencil! It's way harder than it looks xD Would love any and all feedback!
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Josiah Flannigan
Hey Emma, nice job for being your first time. I would recommend checking out the shading assignments here on Proko of shading an egg and a pear. You do not necessarily have to pay for the full course if you are a starving artist like most of us, lol! Try starting with a simple shape with a singular light source. I would give more advice, but I too am just now learning to add tone to my drawings. Hope this helps!
Josiah Flannigan
Asked for help
Had a difficult time with this sketch. Started out studying this sketch for it's tonal quality but quickly found out that the drawing did not follow strong light logic. So had to do a lot of erasing and guessing what I thought the light would do in this situation. Any help would be appreciated.
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Josiah Flannigan
Asked for help
Could someone please provide with some constructive criticism on my tonal drawing? Thank you!
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Josiah Flannigan
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maciek szczech
#240601 Practice / study drawings. Small A5 size sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. after Michael Hampton and after @ art_by_catarina found accidentally on Inst. platform..
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Josiah Flannigan
OK, I am starting to get jealous....
maciek szczech
#240528 Practice / study drawings. Small A5 size sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. from Proko lessons - Pelvis and Pear and beautiful digital drawings of Proko user/artist Maria J Vargas-Spada.
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Josiah Flannigan
NICE! I really like the pear it looks realistic.
Josiah Flannigan
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Josiah Flannigan
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Josiah Flannigan
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Josiah Flannigan
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Josiah Flannigan
Just starting working on portraits to go with the human figure. Probably should have started with the head but later is better then never.
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Side view completed, I'm still having a hard time with applying ellipses to the ribcage and pelvis, but other than that I'm slowly understanding the 5 step process from gesture to form. I'm just happy to even attempt this stuff.
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Josiah Flannigan
Just curious why you decided to use cylinders instead of rectangles/boxes for the rib and pelvic section? Either way it looks good!
Josiah Flannigan
Tried this assignment with two different mediums (Charcoal & Graphite). Thought maybe I would branch out a little. Still think I need to work on gesture and finding the shapes within the figure. What do you guys think?
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Josiah Flannigan
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Josiah Flannigan
Might need to do this assignment again at a large scale to get a better feel for the human proportions. What do you think?
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Josiah Flannigan
Actually enjoyed this assignment! It was a nice way to think about and grapple with perspective intuitively... Gonna continue studying form intersections as we go. Work cited:
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Josiah Flannigan
Hello Michael, looking forward to learning from you and growing as an artist. Please see below examples of some of my Work. And please let me know what you think about where I could improve. Also, I hope you don't mind but I kind of adlibbed a little with the shape selection. 
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Josiah Flannigan
Just trying to feel my way towards realistic figure drawing!
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