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Female Hands 288 JPEGs / Male Hands 299 JPEGs
4000 px per longer edge
This package contains male and female hands. You'll find various hand poses in different lighting conditions with a black background. This collection of high quality photos will be useful for artists who wish to improve their skills when it comes to hand anatomy. Photos are detailed enough for your photobashing projects as well.
Premium Benefits
Download Photos
Save photos directly to your phone, tablet, or PC for offline personal use.
File Size Options
Contains a large and small version of the photo pack to save storage space on your device.
Money Back Guarantee
Contact support@proko.com within 30 days. We usually don't ask questions, but a request is subject to review if over 25% of content was downloaded. This is to protect our instructors from dishonest wardrobing and ensure a happy and thriving community.