Stage 5 - Final Adjustments - Real Time
Stage 5 - Final Adjustments - Real Time
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Classical Portraiture Techniques and Concepts

Stage 5 - Final Adjustments - Real Time


Stage 5 - Final Adjustments - Real Time



Stage 5: Working on finishing a portrait painting can be one fo the most difficult challenges you can face as a painter. The struggle is real! Trying to attain a great likeness of the model while keeping your colours and values fresh are just a few of the challenges that are “up in the air.” In this lesson I focus on teaching you about simple and actionable goals for this final painting session. In my experience this is the best way to help you stay focused and moving forward.

  1. Let’s talk about blending and how much if it is okay to do. This is often a misunderstood practice in painting and during this session we are going to make a good use of it.
  2. This is the final moment to bring a sense of balance and harmony to the elements in your painting. In order to do this the details in the focal areas have to be crisp enough to draw the viewers attention. In this lesson I will show you how I approach the application of the final touches to the features of the face.
Marco Sordi
2023/6/27. Good evening everybody, good evening @Stephen Bauman. Here's my grisaille painting. Well... I did my best for my current level. I hope I can move on to the full color palette lessons. Thanks!! ​
Stephen Bauman
Looks great- on to painting in color! Keep looking for the transitional values along the shadow edge- the nose especially needs some care in this aspect.
Jo Sheridan
Well @Stephen Bauman, I am probably not really finished - but emotionally I have taken this as far as I can... it has taken a few more stages than you show in your videos, because as I stepped back to admire my finished work a couple of weeks ago I thought - "Oh no, that eye just isn't right", so I had to come back in to remodel it and was oh so close to just scrubbing it all out with black paint and giving up - however I resisted the temptation and kept refining and this is where I have ended up... I have really struggled to eliminate the shine off the surface in my photograph, so to do this I have ended up with an image that does underplay my half-tones a bit - in the real thing she is a darker value on the right hand side. I would be keen to hear your thoughts as to how I have got on. I attach my Grisaille and also my pencil sketch
Stephen Bauman
Hi, Jo. It looks like you have a really good control of both graphite and oil paint- job well done in that department. Value assessment and the judging of major angles is where this can improve the most.
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