Emoji Based Expressions
Emoji Based Expressions
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Emoji Based Expressions


Emoji Based Expressions



 Fill a page with emoji based expressions! Start with a simplified, but highly emotive face, and add details as you work. It may help to have a mirror handy if you'd like to use your own facial expressions as a reference. 

Alain Rivest
This is super fun! Here's my first try at this exercise:
Jay Fowler
These are great!
This was interesting. I can see how it’s a useful way to get more emotive expressions than I’m generally able to come up with on my own. A few hundred more of these and I think they’d look pretty good!
A fun exercise. I found the "laughing men" to be the easiest to draw. "Space Dandy's" expression could probably be pushed more. I am not confident that I got the eyes & eyebrows of the "unamused" girl quite right.
Patrick Kelley
Emoji expressions mix with some box men. I know structure is not the point of this exercise but do you any tips on laying out the emojis while being mindful of the structure.
Steven Zapata
It's pure mileage in my experience. You just start getting a hang for how certain initial emojis put the eyes too far apart, the mouth down too low, etc.. The way the emoji distorts the construction is based on your particular inclinations as an artist for facial feature placement, so for one artist it will mess up eye placement while for the other it messes up the size of the forehead or something like that. This exercise lives in balance with studies of more traditional head construction and proportion. The traditional stuff shows you where features should sit and how far apart they should be, and the emotive sketches add interest and flexibility to the generally rigid traditional studies.
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