Which to do first? Anatomy or Figure Drawing or both
Greg Nott
Any suggestions, move through both or do one first?
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@Greg Nott If you're referring to the respective Proko courses, the anatomy course is designed for people who have already done the figure course or have gotten equivalent training somewhere else. So the anatomy one is the more advanced of the two :) That said, if you're just curious about the anatomy course and just want to poke around--I see no harm in that. I haven't gotten to it yet but sometimes I watch videos from it just because I'm curious. But I'm a big anatomy nerd. Some folks would be bored to death :) Hope this helps.
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Greg Nott
Thanks...I have gone through the first few exercises in the drawing...but I am in Marshall's Bridgman class which is having us learn anatomy and the Proko's anatomy class is amazing....and Marshall's class is great as well. Sad there is only a few more days. Thanks for the input...
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