Watercolour plein air sketches
Emmanuel Chidube
Hello everyone! I'm new to proko. I'ld love to know your opinions on these en plein air paintings. Each one is roughly 30 minutes.
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Emmanuel Chidube
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Da Fenix
Wow... Pretty great for the short amount of time spent on it. I should sharpen my coloring skills.
Yiming Wu
Very cool! I was so resilient to coloured plein air paintings because I was too lazy to mix colours. I often do black and white ones. You are doing a great job! I learned a lot from James Gurney's videos, I hope that would help you improve as well :D
Luigi Manese
Hi @Emmanuel Chidube, these are great plein air paintings! I did a brief paint over for your first image and did a few tweaks. I adjusted the drawing and structure of your image a bit, just so that it adheres more to the perspective in the image. For a medium like watercolor, there is definitely a tough balance to keeping your painting feeling loose, while making sure that your drawing is still accurate. When drawing architecture, having solid perspective is critical in keeping the image believable. Additionally the second thing I did was a slight exaggeration in the color variations in your shadows. The reflected light off of the building itself, as well as the ground, will give some color variance in your shadows. The way an artist either exaggerates or pulls back on this effect can become a part of your style. For plein air painters, the study of how light affects different objects is critical, so I think this is a principle that you can experiment with for your plein air studies in the future. Hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you
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