Teach like your are teaching a kid
I want an tutorial which will tell me what to do first and how should i move onto steps please
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Sonya Hansell
Thank you. I appreciated the input. I wasn't watching the 2 video.
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Tate Green
Just utilize the drawing basics course, it does an excellent job of breaking everything down Into simple steps. As it pertains to how long you need to spend on each step do what feels right to you (ie: I struggle with line weight, therefore I will watch the videos on line weight a few more times, and afterwards practice for longer) I often spend a week on 2 or so lessons, at the end of the week I re-assess what to do with my time, what's working what's not etc. At the end of the day studying is up to you, and the drawing basics course is as close to a class for children as this platform will ever receive. (Sorry if I sound abrasive I had no intentions to cause distress, that being said I hope this helps)
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I appreciate your answer but the problem lie where should i start from like from lines or shapes i don't know
Sonya Hansell
Thank you. I appreciate the input. One thing I wasn't doing was watching the drawings that Proko does after the initial drawings.
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