Rhythm practice!!!
This is my attempt at Proko's Rhythms lesson. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you for reading!
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ataert ase
It's looking good! I think a good focus point would be the rhythm of the spine. The model's spine arches back. In your illustration the spine looks a little bit flat, with the torso and pelvis both facing a bit too forward. Try an illustration with some exaggerating of the curve spine and see how it comes out!
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Thank you for the help!
Steve Lenze
The rhythms of the body have certain shapes depending on the view. For example: the leg in profile takes on a "S" rhythm. The leg from the front takes on "B" rhythm. An arm can be an "S" rhythm or like in this drawing a "C" rhythm. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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Thank you so much for your feedback! One question if you don't mind. How do you approach the torso in gesture/rhythm drawings?
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