Remake of an old concept
Rubén Frutos
I took this drawing I did in September of 2020(right) and redid it now(left). Let me know what you guys think!! Any feedback on the new character is welcome! :))
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Simply amazing! From your understanding of gesture to your understanding of color has sky rocketed within the past two years! I think you could have pushed the lighting a little in your new recreation to make it pop more but think that's just a small detail I like to do in my own work since I like flashy lol either way AMAZING 👏👏👏👏👏😊👌!!!!!!
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Hey, @Rubén Frutos! I agree with @Steve Lenze, such improvement! One of the best changes I notice is on the silhouette: it feels much clearer and more readable in the newer version. The anatomy also feels more strongly constructed, and she has a much more natural and coherent gesture and expression on her pose and face. Love it all! I also notice you made little design adjustments that definitely made a huge difference in how the concept is being represented. The fish impaled on the spear rather than in a bucket; the breasts being shown rather than covered; the visual patterns on her outfit and props; the hairstyle. The way I see it, these aspects make a lot more sense in the new design and convey more believability to the character compared to its earlier version. In other words, congratulations! Keep up the good work. 🙌🏻
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you so much for your kind words, Liandro.
Steve Lenze
Wow, the last two years have been good for you, what a difference. Good drawing, good pose, good lighting. Nice job.
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you Steve!! ❤️
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