Proko Notes: Drawing The Head From Any Angle Group Thread
Gannon Beck
I love taking art classes. I think it was the dearth of them in my early life that has lead me to never take them for granted. When I take classes, I try to learn as much as I can before I take the class so I can get the most out of it. In preparation for Stan's figure drawing and anatomy classes, I've been systematically going through his playlists on YouTube and taking notes with some friends. Learning is inherently social. We build off of each other's knowledge. In this case, we're building off of Stan's, but if we compare notes we can make sure an important concept didn't go over our heads. If you're so inclined, post any notes in this thread on Stan's Head Videos. Here is a link the the playlist:
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Gannon Beck
Okay, I was a little slow to realize how the site was structured. I was doing these lessons on YouTube and was going to pay for the extra stuff once I made my way through the free stuff. BUT, Stan has his free version here. All you have to do for the free version is go to courses and add it to your classroom. All the YouTube videos in the playlists are here for those of us that are used to watching videos on YouTube. You can post your notes and lessons with the video you just watched, so it's the perfect place to give feedback and compare notes. The drawing the head from any angle part, which was what I was following here, is a part of the Portrait Drawing Fundamentals. I'm going to start posting my notes and lessons in the course instead of here. I just wanted to post a note here in case anyone else made the same mistake in misunderstanding the site navigation. Might just have been me;) Even though it took me a minute to figure it out, I LOVE how the courses are structured. Kudos to Stan and the whole Proko team.
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Tobias Degnebolig
Question for your method from a beginner ^^ When you do this do you go all free videos thorugh on the youtube and practice each part for some time and then you buy the course and do it all over again? or do you just go fast throug a couple of videos and take a few notes? and when doing this as an example of the figure drwaing course, for how long do you just take noter and stuff before starting course from the start?? (hope my english isnt to bad for understanding)
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Gannon Beck
I have kind of a lengthy answer to this question, because it gets to the heart of how I approach online learning. Hopefully this can give others a way to get the most out of Proko and this forum by using the same methods. The big secret is I don't study alone. The reason for this is that along with figuring out what to study, one has to figure out when to study. When will art get done? Morning? Night? Three days a week? Seven days a week? When the time gets scheduled, what mechanism is in place to ensure that you actually show up on schedule to make your art? The thing is, it's easy to break the promises we make to ourselves. If you schedule time with a friend or a group of friends, however, you're more likely not to miss the time you have set aside for you art. So that's what I have done with my group. We schedule time to meet early in the mornings three days a week at 5am, and once on Saturday at 7:30pm. On the morning sessions, it's just an open studio. Everyone brings their own projects to work on. We talk movies or whatever while we're all working, but the point of the meeting is just to schedule time for our art. Making a commitment to someone else to be there ensures that we all get our butts out of bed. I can assure you there have been times when my alarm has gone off at 4am I would have just hit snooze if people weren't waiting for me. Most of the time we bring our own projects, but we set aside the Saturday session for more formal practice. Things like figure drawing, anatomy, are things we keep in our training regimen. Even before we started systematically going through Stan's videos, we systematically went through Michael Hampton's book. And even before that, I've systematically gone through Andrew Loomis's figure drawing, and heads and hands books. We all take our own notes on our own time, but do exercises together. So, to answer your question, we have gone through the videos to take notes once, but we revisit the information as a part of our art training regimen--and will keep revisiting it as long as we meet together as a group, along with perspective, and other things we try to keep sharp on. Once we go through the paid courses, we'll likely find approaches and exercises to add to our regimen. It's not just about digesting the information. It's about building muscle memory so that the methods become automatic. My advice is to start meeting with a friend, on Zoom if you need to, and start doing the same thing. If you take notes, post them here. The value of posting your notes here is that if there is something you don't understand in the videos, someone else who has been studying them will likely see the error and help you correct it. That will keep an error in your understanding of the method from being persistent.
Adam Davis
Here are my notes and work.
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Gannon Beck
I've already told you this since we know each other, but nicely done.
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