yeah, idrk
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Hisham Ali
Hey, nice drawing! Watch out with your proportions (thirds and size of features). Here's a quick vid I made to help you out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziqyo9IUseY
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Hey thank you so much, I greatly appreciate it, super helpful!! I completely free-styled this having no idea what I was doing XD So again I really appreciate the advice and tips, I will keep all of these things in mind for my next drawing for sure!! :D
Arielle Ronin
Hi Lion. Did you use a reference picture for this one? Drawing portraits is really tough. I would recoment to trace the reference one our two times and than draw it freehand. Tracing teached me alot about getting a reference right. Hope this might help :) Also I would recommend to view prokos video about the loomis head method. Keep up the good work!
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Thank you so much! I will def check out prokos video. Super good advise I must say, even though its so simple, I dont draw digitally so I am not sure how I could trace it, what do you recommend to be able to trace it?? Also yes I did use a reference and it looks nothing like it XD I'm trying out the 100 heads challenge but I skipped some heads and I didnt upload any heads that I wasn't satisfied with.
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