Need help for improve anatomy
Hey i have been struggle with the body, and legs, part for a while. Try to apply hale’s method but still feels like the body look so wide than it should be( as you can see, i need to bend a little of his right ribcage to make it look slim). And the legs itself is vert unnatural. Can someone point why did this happened and how to fix it?
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Steve Lenze
Hey toneza35800, This is a cool pose with lots of stuff going on that's kind subtle. To begin with, your missing the gesture of this pose. The slight bending back of the torso, the sweep of the legs and arms. If you look, your pose is straight up and down causing it to be stiff. There is also a twist in the body where the torso is facing us, but the pelvis is facing more away, this is what makes the body look slimmer. Because the pelvis is wrong, the legs don't make sense due to the pelvis placement. I did a sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it answers your questions :)
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Hey steve, we meet again. I really need advice from you about this. because gesturing isn’t proportion accurate( in my understanding it’s more about action and feeling), and i dont know how to apply&mix proportion and gesturing into a pose. Like which one should come first? Would be great if you kindly enough to share your thought about this!
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