Forum organisation / labelling suggestion
Mia D
Hi there! :) This isn't a bug, but just a suggestion. There may be a reason I don't know of that you have it this way, so feel free to disregard if so! From my experience writing copy for websites, people usually assume that the most relevant piece of information will be surfaced to the top for their convenience. They also tend to assume the most snappily named item is most relevant to them and the site in question. So for example, you have the two sections 'Learn' and 'Lesson Discussion'. I assumed that 'Learn' was everything to do with the Proko lessons, seeing as I was on the Proko site. It was only until I scrolled to the bottom and saw the 'Lesson Discussion' topic that I realised it wasn't. Only then did I read the subtitles, hehe. This is pretty common user behavior, unfortunately. We don't read :D I would suggest that 'Learn' should be everything to do with Proko lessons, seeing as this is their home. Perhaps some other name for the off-site learning and critiques might be more appropriate? I could even see an argument that you could split the Proko lesson discussion into two topics – a streamlined place for critique, and then a place to ask questions – depending on how people end up using the site. Hope this is helpful. I will keep looking for actual bugs! The site is absolutely beautiful, by the way!
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Quite a bit of good information here! I had to read it a few times to absorb it all. Copywriting is the UX area I am weakest in, so I'm glad there's a beta tester that can pick up the slack :) @miadahlqvist What kind of activities do you suggest for coming up with labels that resonate best with the Proko user base? Card sorting?
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Mia D
That's a tricky one because you can user test the sh*t out of a site and lose all the 'feeling' from the labelling. There's value in copywriting that fits the site as well as stuff that is UX friendly... it's a balance. When I work with a client, I try to find out what tone of voice they're aiming for and go from there. But in general, making sure the most relevant forum topics are always on top (we've got Beta Testing right now, but I think the lesson discussions & critique perhaps should probably be right after that) and that those topics have the shortest / most 'direct-sounding' names are always good rules of thumb. Important side note as there might be a reason as to why it has decreased prominence – each lesson has a critique section in it too. So perhaps by design they want to funnel folks into that way of requesting feedback, rather than on the forum? Not sure.
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