Feedback on Cast of Characters
Palmer Vaughn
Hey team. This is a small cast of character designs I created for my portfolio. I'm looking for some feedback on how to improve them, while keeping in mind they're meant to be animated and so draw many, many times. Thanks! PV
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Mariana Sereno
I really like the flow and movement on most of these characters. The girl on the right is a bit stiff, but perhaps that's part of her personality. I would work on making their colors pop out a bit more. They're a bit subdued.
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Hey Palmer, these look pretty good! Not much to improve really, just a few little tweaks I could suggest that could possibly push it further: 1. Change the middle man clothes colors just a bit - they're very close in values at the moment. 2. The left boy expression I feel could be a little bit clearer. 3. I've heard that a good trick to make sure a characters lineup feel like they belong to one world is to keep the eye size consistant. These are very minor, and the only tweaks I can suggest. I hope that's heplful :) Cheers!
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Palmer Vaughn
Thank you!
Bradwynn Jones
I like these a lot! I'd just add a touch of highlight in the hair of the characters with really dark hair. Just to pop that a bit. Minor thing though. They look great already!
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Palmer Vaughn
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