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Did Levitan study looking for critiqe.
Alexey Skliar
It's my first landscape study. Don't realy know what to concentrate on so just trying to get the colours and shapes right. Whould like to have a feedback of someone who has done studies before. Painting of a genius russian painter Levitan:"Evening call".
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Yiming Wu
You've done a great job! I like how you did all the green-yellow hues, a lot bolder than I can manage. Looks like that the aspect ratio of these two images are not quite the same? yours appears to be a bit stretched vertically? also notice the river bank and the path down below, the shape isn't quite there. To me I feel the feeling of "brighter light" is not as much in your study, maybe it's lack of the hue shift towards a bit yellow, especially in the water and the sky line where the atmosphere could scatter light and a lot of times it will shift a bit.
Alexey Skliar
Thx a lot for great feedback Yiming! You right the ration isnt quite there. But can't really correct it need to redo the whole picture. The brighter light feeling and the river bank somthing i can work on.
Christopher Beaven
I've done many studies before. What exactly are you studying from the original? Even if it's multiple things it's best to define something. The purpose is not to copy or reproduce accurately but to try and get into the head of Levitan. Let me know and I'll help from there. Thanks for posting.
Alexey Skliar
Thx a lot Christopher for feedback. You are exactly right i didn't define any goals for the study. I just love this painter and wanted to draw this painting its one of mine favorites. It's the same as when you listening to great music it makes wanna sing even if you don't know how. There was no structure to it the only thing that i wanted to practice was color and values. It's a digital medium so you can color pick and pick the values. I deliberately didn't do it. Great point about getting into painters head but how exectly do you do it)? Btw amazing pieces of art you got in your album. Will be looking forward for you response Christopher.
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