Composition without a backgound
Marie Soubré
Hello Everyone! This is my first post I'm honored to come to you for some advices. I'm here to progress with my drawing, specifically anatomy, inking and composition. I'd like to know your point of view on (full body) characters placed in empty space (no backgound) and the way to make the final picture more composed and dynamic. Backgrounds are not my cup of tea but I try to incoporporate them more often. Sometimes I feel that it is not needed, however, when I look back at my drawings I think that something is missing with most of them. I try to respect global composition rules within the character and its props but I guess this is not enough. Here's some example from my personal gallery (some have backgrounds, some didn't). Thank you very much in advance for your help, you're the best! s
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Steve Lenze
Not all drawings need backgrounds unless it is necessary to give context to the figures. For example: the second image of the girl on the horse, is the horse flying, jumping, are the front hooves on the ground? I think even if you used a shadow shape, it would help give context to the image. Other than that, I think the rest work well.
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Great drawings!
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