Are my proportions correct? How else can I improve?
They're supposed to be two adult women, and I referenced the proportions for the different parts of the body (torso, arms, fingers). Please let me know how else I can improve.
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Dudts Draws
Hello there ! My recommendations are the followig: I'd suggest you start by drawing the mannequin several times to get familiar with the shapes and their proportions 👉 You sould copy / study / redraw each of the poses in this plate from the famous artists course : The Practice consists of draw them from the reference plate 3- 4 or 5 times until you understand it and can draw it quickly, like in 30 or 20 minutes. After that, you can try to draw them from imagination, same thing until you're confortable enough them. Then you try drawing the mannequin in different poses from photo references. Later you do the same method of practice but with simplified skeleton, then simplified anatomy plates. Even the you should start practicing with simpler poses than this one.. Anyway, that's how I learned drawing realistic figures and I was impressed at the speed at which I made progress, I also am thankful to feedbacks I got from my art instructor, and from proko Facebook groups (before this forum didnt exist ) which helped me improve quickly. I encourage you to post each of your practices here, I'd be happy to give you feedback (just tag me). With time , you'll also be better at reviewing your own work when comparing it to the reference. Best of luck !
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